Thank you Delilah, Beth and Aleia, for sharing your ideas for our final lesson! These are GREAT suggestions and I’m going to include some of them as bonus lessons in the soon to be published Burlesque for the Boardroom Workbook! (Applauding the success of other women; The pushy and polite paradox; Enough is enough: glitter and abundance ; Competition and conflict; Body love; Sluts and Swarovskis; Jealousy and Jimmy Choos;...and more.)
“You know what the secret is? It's so simple. We love one another. We're nice to one another. Do you know how rare that is? - Carmen”
― Ann Brashares, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Boardroom member Aleia asked: “How can we as women support each other in every way possible? Ie. no backstabbing, putting each other down for physical traits, calling each other sluts, stealing each other’s mates, etc.?”
Today, we are going to talk about how women can support one another. The single most important thing you can do is to value yourself and others. Unravel your internalized oppression, and focus on becoming whole. Kick the voices to the curb that tell you you’re not enough. When you do that, you’re able to also kick the voices to the curb that say other women aren’t enough.
― Ann Brashares, The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Boardroom member Aleia asked: “How can we as women support each other in every way possible? Ie. no backstabbing, putting each other down for physical traits, calling each other sluts, stealing each other’s mates, etc.?”
Today, we are going to talk about how women can support one another. The single most important thing you can do is to value yourself and others. Unravel your internalized oppression, and focus on becoming whole. Kick the voices to the curb that tell you you’re not enough. When you do that, you’re able to also kick the voices to the curb that say other women aren’t enough.
Women have been discriminated against or oppressed for a long time. They’ve turned that oppression into a part of their identity and started reinforcing it. They turn those stories back on themselves and on other women. This seeps into the feminine unconscious and prevents women from feeling worthy, enough, capable, relevant and lovable.
The result is that we begin to act as if those stories are true: we hold ourselves back or reinforce our unworthiness in self-defeating ways. Oppression has one clear message that feeds its cause: not everyone is valuable. To support our sisters we must unravel oppression. To unravel oppression, we must first rewrite that story for ourselves. |
Here are five ways you can support your sisters and yourself.
- One of the best way to dissolve oppression is compassion: compassion for self and for others. Compassion for yourself includes self-awareness, self-care, and self-love.
- Hang out with your friends. Being an ally/friend has tremendous benefits. If someone has just one person on their side, who can be a compassionate friend, they are more likely to believe in themselves and maintain a hopeful outlook.
- Celebrate your femininity and make the time to identify what being feminine looks like on your terms. The more you exalt the feminine, the more you dissolve oppression.
- Become a member of a group that celebrates and is compassionate toward the feminine (like this one!). Share your stories, cultivate empathy, and heal together. Honor each unique experience and journey.
- Interrupt and address sexism when you hear it. Help point out language and beliefs that oppress the feminine and explain the impact it has on you when you witness it.
Start with you and do all the things we’ve been practicing. Use your self-awareness to describe how you are being impacted another person. Pussy check people. Stand up for what you want, and stop apologizing. Practice vulnerability, and insist on self-love. Take up space, increase your pleasure, and say ‘no.’ Tell people how you want to be treated, and reinforce women when they use behaviors you like.
Bring up the Burlesque for the Boardroom conversations with your friends. Continue to leverage the facebook community, or purchase the workbook and start your own Burlesque for the boardroom circle or book club. Most importantly, model the behavior you want to see…be the change.
Bring up the Burlesque for the Boardroom conversations with your friends. Continue to leverage the facebook community, or purchase the workbook and start your own Burlesque for the boardroom circle or book club. Most importantly, model the behavior you want to see…be the change.
Reflect on all the women (and men) who have helped you get where you are. How did they help build your confidence and influence? Make a list of these people and the unique gifts they each gave you.
Identify three friends and pay it forward. Offer your gifts to three women and help influence their heroine's journey. What can you do right now to help raise them up, discover more of their authentic self, or open a door for them? |
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How are you going to pay it forward to another woman today? Post it in the Burlesque for the Boardroom Facebook community.
SAVE THE DATES: Sunday, March 29th 10am PST and Monday, March 30th 7pm PST I'll be holding a Burlesque for the Boardroom afterparty google hangout to debrief your experience and brainstorm where to take BQ4BDRM next! Email me if you want to attend and I will send you an invite! |
9 days left for this special offer
If you like what the Boardroom has to offer, you're going to love what's coming next! Burlesque for the Boardroom is evolving into three exciting opportunities:
- Burlesque for the Boardroom Workbook (PREORDER by April 4th for a deep discount!)
- Burlesque for the Boardroom Teaser Playshop (50% off if you purchase before April 4th!)
- Burlesque for the Boardroom online course series (coming soon!)
The Workbook includes:
The Playshop...Choose your location, call up 10 of your best girl friends, pop some bubbly and get ready for a sexy celebration like no other. You'll learn:
You'll also receive:
You'll have a personal kick ass sound track to fire you up. Your tribe of women (the ones who really get you) will be there to help support you whenever you are stuck or in need of sisterly love.
And the best part? The best part is that you aren't just doing this for you. You're doing this for you mother and grandmother; your children, nieces and cousins; your coworkers, neighbors, bosses and teams. You're doing it for all women and declaring a new legacy for women and leadership. You're doing it to insist on celebrating the feminine and all its (your) glory.
And don't forget all the other FREE goodies...
And the best part? The best part is that you aren't just doing this for you. You're doing this for you mother and grandmother; your children, nieces and cousins; your coworkers, neighbors, bosses and teams. You're doing it for all women and declaring a new legacy for women and leadership. You're doing it to insist on celebrating the feminine and all its (your) glory.
And don't forget all the other FREE goodies...
- FREE - an additional 30+ feminine leadership reflective writing prompts
- FREE - my personal playlist of lady power songs to uplift your spirit
- FREE - my personal pinterest boards to keep you motivated
- FREE - facebook community to continue the conversations
Want to see Sinner Saint Burlesque in action? For those of you located in the Seattle area, we perform a show at Brass Tacks in Georgetown every third Thursday of the month at 9pm. April 16, May 21, and June 18th we'll be performing a show about Seattle Women's Herstory.