Free Resources from Burlesque for the Boardroom
The Burlesque for the Boardroom Foundations of Feminine Leadership exclusive web series is FREE for members of my mailing list, and for anyone who signs up below. Burlesque for the Boardroom helps bold, passionate women decision-makers build concrete leadership skills while celebrating the wild and glorified feminine. This series focuses on the foundations of feminine leadership, or what I like to call: "Get out of your head and into your vagina!"
When you register for one, you'll gain access to them all. The link for each lesson will be emailed to you the morning of the webcast. We'll be gathering via Google Hangouts On Air, and chatting in our private Facebook Community. Scheduling conflict? Don't worry, you'll have access to each session for 7 days after it's gone live. Check out what you can expect to learn:
When you register for one, you'll gain access to them all. The link for each lesson will be emailed to you the morning of the webcast. We'll be gathering via Google Hangouts On Air, and chatting in our private Facebook Community. Scheduling conflict? Don't worry, you'll have access to each session for 7 days after it's gone live. Check out what you can expect to learn:
- The 3 essential questions to ask yourself before trying to get your points across to others.
- The difference between implicit and explicit intentions. - Why being explicit will help you gain influence. - When the best time to share your intentions is. - How sharing your intentions will help you feel more confident. - How to deepen trust in yourself by tapping into the brain process that is responsible for your sense of direction, your ability to dance, and your sense of self.
- How to feel more confident by practicing these 5 ways you can build a stronger connection to your body. - The most powerful letter you will ever write. |
- The single best thing you can do to give better feedback that will increase your influence.
- How to express yourself more fully and authentically. - How to avoid sounding too “touchy-feely.” - The 2 words you need to eliminate from your vocabulary in order to gain more influence. - The one word you need to start using to have more influence.
- The number one habit you need to drop to get what you want. - Why asking for what you want is not selfish. - The 2 dirty phrases that prevent you from getting what you want. - 3 activities to break through blocks you have about asking for what you want. - 3 critical parts of asking for what you want that most people forget. |
- Discover the single biggest mistake women make when they are mad, and how to avoid it.
- The neurobiology behind having good eyebrows - How good eyebrows help you build trust and influence. - The burlesque exercise that will help you gain more confidence delivering your next important message. - How to talk about intuition in a way that is not too “woo-woo.”
- The 3 questions to ask to differentiate your intuition from everything else (resistance, fear, strong emotions, etc.) - How to start trusting your intuition more. |
More Free Resources
30+ Essential Reflections on Feminine Leadership FREE! Pay with a Tweet below.
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Join the tribe of women ready to leverage their feminine leadership to lead.